Bay Area's #1 Hauling & Demolition services

Demolition Services

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Professional Demolition Services

The demolition of a structure is a service that requires a lot of care and attention because any failure can lead to a fatal accident. For this, it is essential that, before starting the process, a professional visit the place to check if there is any danger to the execution of the service.

We are a company that provides transport and demolition services, thus ensuring safe and efficient demolition. JCJ works with a team of qualified and experienced professionals for personalized service to understand each client’s needs and present the best option. Contact us to learn more and request a quote.

Mechanized demolition

Mechanized demolition is a method that uses mechanized means, such as breaker and or hydraulic shears coupled to hydraulic excavators and, in some cases, pneumatic hammers.

Manual demolition

It is executed in construction that would not withstand the impact of large mechanical equipment.

Risk demolition

Services are performed in places of difficult access in areas on or near installations in progress, in the case of industries, where there is a transit of people. In these cases, a preliminary risk analysis is essential, aiming at the physical integrity of the people as well as the protection of the patrimony.

Controlled demolition

They are performed using diamond cuts to remove slabs, pillars, beams, and diaphragm walls in reinforced concrete, without affecting the other structures.

Silenced demolition

In the event of demolition in more specific locations, mainly in hospitals and adjacent noise-sensitive ones, silent equipment is used (hydraulic crunch) that crushes the concrete, thus avoiding excessive noise.